As with many stereotypes, there is a basis in fact and deed. Manipulation, high-pressure,
As a result, car salespeople rank dead last in a recent survey of most trusted professionals. They managed to beat members of Congress in this race to the bottom, which is quite a telling performance.
Speaking of performances, the Alec Baldwin sales "training" in Glengarry, Glen Ross, and William H. Macy's salesman in Fargo are two star-turn portrayals of the prototypical noxious sales professional.
Movies, you mock? Well, art imitates life, as my experience this weekend in a local car dealership attests. In a 15 minute
Maybe this approach works for him. Maybe I don't meet the profile of his typical customer. Maybe he thought that I wouldn't notice all of the pictures of his wife and kids (maybe they left him because he never shut up or paid attention to them.) As a consumer, maybe I could have cared less about him. Nah.
But, if he had just made a minimal effort to really engage me, maybe by asking just a few questions, maybe he would have learned that I had done my homework, and maybe he would have learned that I was ready to buy if my specific terms were met. And when he